Monday, March 13, 2006

a spring in my step

Could Saturday have felt any more like the first day of spring if it tried?? I escaped Dirty Jerz to go have brunch in Brooklyn [Phoebe's on Graham - tasteee] then we wandered down through McCarren to Bedford, aiming for the ice cream place. McCarren was *buzzing*. Everyone was out, running, jumping, climbing, skipping, batting, bowling, barking [the dogs, that is, not people], being wasted at 1pm [people now, not dogs]...

bikes & mccarren park... spring is here...

ooh my god i can't reach it

lines and levels

high heels [and low lifes?]

Saturday night was adventures in bowling - Leisure Bowl at Port Authority for [Annie] Danger's birthday... special guest starring young Michael all the way from LA [who, despite it not being my birthday, still gave me a lovely present; a Fantastic Mysteries book his dad had given him when he was a nipper. Soooo good].



fantastic mysteries

Sunday was work time [and pissing with rain time] then the evening was filled with lovely friends and vegan pasta and reality shows in the East Village, and then over to Skillman Ave and the tail end of Grey's Anatomy and talks of the Arctic Monkeys on SNL and people possibly heading out to Sway and Ry standing up to perform the "Party Head" story and talk of muggings that made me not want to walk to the station alone... then when I finally got back to JC something felt wrong and I wasn't sure what till I realised it was so misty and foggy that you couldn't see Manhattan at all and it was very strange.

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