Friday, April 28, 2006

i'm SO over being sick

Sooooo. I had another major "lost in translation" moment earlier this week.

"I feel really sick," I say. In English, this means you feel puke-worthy. Like you're gonna throw up any minute now. In US-ish it seems to be more generic, to mean you feel ill. Usually I can remember this difference and have adapted and picked up the phrase accordingly. Apart from when I'm so ill I'm dizzy and feeling like I might pass out at my desk and can only mutter to my new, middle-aged co-worker "I feel sick, I need to go home."

Her: "Ah've got a bit uvva sore throat mahself. What's wrong?". She's from Arksansaw. Lived in NY for like over 20 years or something and sounds like she hasn't stepped out from under the Confederate flag but ten minutes.

Me: "I - feel - sick"

Her: "Lahk - sore throat? A cold? You got a cold?"

Me: "I feel like I'm about to heave my guts over the desk before sliding off my chair onto the floor in an unconscious heap, you hick."

Well, it's what I wish I'd said. I was unable to leave work due to her relative newness [only been there like... 10 days maybe?] and incompentence. I'm being harsh. Just not so quick to pick up the [really very simple] job, and the fact that people kept throwing jobs at me, when all I wanted to do was crawl into bed with a toilet within running distance.

Tuesday I stumbled into work at ten thirty, still feeling like shit, but also feeling bad that I was leaving Mzz Arkansaw and *another* newbie alone - one girl left last week, I'm leaving any day now, so we have these two new ladies to replace us. So I finally get in to make sure things are going okay, and Arkansaw has fucking called in sick. I was furious, when I wasn't laying my head on the desk still feeling dizzy and sick.

Still not feeling hugely better, I had a "last supper" with my roommates that night - first time we've all sat down together in a long while. Although there were some disastrous moments, Jamie's running commentary of various animal facts ["Did you know the [insert name of some leaping running horned antelope type animal that lives in Africa] can run at 38mph for up to 4 hours? Did you know that there was a tortoise that lived to 270 years old? Did you know, I saw this German film one time that showed a woman giving a tortoise a blowjob while being shagged from the back by a dog?"] saved the evening. Then it was on to Private Mens Club at Black & White for a little. As we'd been eating in Union Sq I just walked down there after, so got there when Omri and A-Schway were the only people there. I settled myself in a corner with a book on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder someone had given me to read. Excellent bar fodder... luckily I was saved quite soon after by the arrival of all and sundry, a little damp from the rain that had just started.

i diptyched it

Sad kids, happy kids. What happens when the tipsy kids in the corner steal your camera. [Apparently: "we were giving our best "i'm smiling with my grandparents" smile"]

Wednesday night was the MB leavers' shindig, held at My Moon in the Burg. I hadn't been at work that day 'cause of illness and I totally would've flaked out on the "prom" if I hadn't had to cough up so much moolah for it. For the most part it wasn't as bad as I'd been expecting. It's a good venue, it had all been done nicely, and I mainly just hung out with Spindly. Then the Big Cheese of the program gets up to do his leaving speech - only it's not a serious speech, it's when he tries to show he's "hip", that he's "with it" [a strange urge that people over 50 sometimes seem to have, to the embarrassment of all involved]. At the January leaving do, he did his "song" in the form of the blues; apparently this time around it was a "rap." Yeah whatever. It still amounted to him just reading his speech in a strange rhythm while some kid he'd roped in from the office wailed on a guitar behind him [after the first verse he made the kid unplug the amp.] All's going smoothly, a couple of "hilarious" verses about us all moving to NY. Then he moves on to the verses where he theoretically dishes the dirt on what everyone's done this past year. [Hey, Anonymous-that-used-to-be-on-MB who I've chatted to on AIM before, d'you still ever check in on this??] I figured, being as that I don't socialise with any of them or have much to do with any of them [apart from Spindz and the Scottish Boy] outside of class commitments, I'd be off scot-free.

Oh how wrong could I be. Not only did I get got, I got gotted first. The first person from our intake he names and shames: "H--- D--- and her blog." I was *totally* thrown. To say I thought everyone was over that and had forgotten about it [quick recap: some charming person from MB discovers the blog, sends a group email to almost everyone currently on MB - probably about 250 people I guess - giving it out. I get shit and stupid comments. A source tells me what's happened. To say I'm bummed out and pissed the fuck off is an understatement. Yes, I know these things are a public forum, but come on. So I change the web address. Problem kind of solved.] is an understatment. Motherfuckers. I'm so glad I never got involved in that whole thing. And whatever you thought, derogatory or whatever - I'm just telling it how I see it, kids...

I left early, after the lame awards and stuff 'cause I was still feeling crappy.

Rolled into work for a couple hours today, to check up on the newbies who seem to be doing fine, spent the rest of the day sleeping, watching Freaks & Geeks, and trying to persuade my sister to come out for the weekend.

I've also been occasionally working on something this week, and on Monday discovered this. Ellen, this is for you:

i just discovered this picture the other day

This was last summer, when I was first going to Misshapes, when I was still trying to make friends, whatever. Now I've become lazy and don't bother to talk to random people so much, but back then, as long as I had a drink or two in me to make the shyness dissipate, I'd chat to anyone, just trying to be friendly. Never knew I'd actually properly talked to the lovely Ellen [apart from that time she was sat outside with Piper, who I just wanted to eat] or Josh this far back. Funny how things like that happen.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

T-minus 14 days

Sooooo two weeks left.

Exactly... hold on [cogs grinding, bad maths skills slowly awakening from the layers of dust accumulated through lack of use since GCSEs]... 336 hours from now I'll be somewhere over the Atlantic. Gosh.

I made a To Do list, because I'm feeling so scattershot right now I can barely remember to tie my shoelaces in the morning. Good thing it was pissing it down today so I could wear non-shoelaced rainboots. Or "wellies" as we prefer to call them in the motherland.

To Do:
* pack

* somehow transport all this shit from here to Brooklyn. Anyone with a car who'd like to help will be amply... umm, thanked. No euphemism. I will just say "thank you" a whole lot. And perhaps offer gas [petrol] money.

* go to Sway for Monday night hip hop. I'm actually meant to be there right now but I've been sick all day and as much as I reallllly want to go b/c I know there are peeps going tonight, all my common sense is saying "stay in, you can't afford to get sicker right now". So a big "boo you whore" to my common sense.

* get new camera. Most likely the Nikon D70, because I can pick up my $500 "finishing bonus" [they bribe us to go to classes] this week and - well, I want it.

* check out Aurora in the 'Burg because I've only heard good things about it, and it's always nice to eat out.

* wait until I get paid to do aforementioned dinner plans.

* DJ again. Who wants to let me? Who dares let me back behind the decks?? Step up, step up...

* figure out what the hell to do with my beloved bike. Dismantle and ship it? Sell it? Pass it on to someone who will love, appreciate and take care of it?

* see another show. From the looks of it, my last NY show will the Ivy League acoustic show next week, which is nice.

* I should probably list some more touristy/cultural things, right? I'm drawing blanks though...

If you were going to leave New York, what would you do?? Answers please. Tell me what I *have* to do before I leave.

Apart from rock-n-roll all night and party every day?

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Chloe Sevigny chic...

Trying to tidy up my huge stack of magazines [theoretically this counts as packing], I come across something.

Summer 2002. Young, stupid, thinking we know what we're doing, we publish our own magazine. In retrospect not much did go right, but, from the "hot tip style" kinda pages... [Americans, for "braces" read "suspenders".]

"Let's wave a sad farewell to belts... all you yuppies out there, dust off your favourite accessory, for braces are the big thing this winter. With minis, cords, even shown with casual joggers and the ubiquitous gothic shirt in fashion shoots all summer, braces are THE item to keep your clothes up on the cold days and nights ahead of us. Wear them with one side unfastened for that extra Chloe Sevigny chic. We do."

And what do we see *everywhere* at the moment? That's warranted mentions on The IS and in Super Super and no doubt a fair few other sites and publications that I've been too lazy to notice? That's right. So we were ahead of our time, whatevs. Now just keep yer eyes peeled for the one-sided look, and we'll be able to crow "told you so!"

Thursday, April 20, 2006

i heart memphis industries


Check it out. Memphis industries have put a sweet little mix CD up online for all to download. How much do we love them??

It Came From Memphis

1. The Black Neon - The Truth
2. Absentee - Hey! Tramp
3. Blue States - The Trainer Shuffle
4. Field Music - Tell Me Keep Me
5. The Squire of Somerton - Transverberations
6. Fort Lauderdale - The Playboys Demise
7. Field Music - Feeding The Birds
8. J Xaverre - Sports Day 1983
9. The Pippettes - Because It's Not Love
10. Fort Lauderdale - Silent Ways
11. La Mouche - The Road
12. Blue States - Sad Song

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

i must be such an irritating patient

Therapist: So what would you say to the 16 year old you, if she was sat beside you?
Me: Well, if she was - if I could say something to her, then I wouldn't be here-
Therapist: You mean-
Me: I mean that if we're talking time travel, any little thing affects all future outcomes. Didn't you ever see 'The Butterfly Effect'??*
Therapist: Well-
Me: -If I could see and talk to the 16 year old me, whatever I did or said would affect everything else, y'know? Like maybe I did flunk out of school in year 12 instead of being yelled at and warned by all my teachers - maybe I wouldn't've gone to university - or not gone where I did, or not made the friends I did - I wouldn't have gotten the jobs I got when I moved back to London after that - or met the people I met - I might not have come to New York, I wouldn't be sat here-
Therapist: Right. But if you could talk to the 16 year old you without any of this-
Me: But - you can't! Really, didn't you ever watch The Butterfly Effect?!** The tiniest thing changes everything!!

Therapist gives up with an exasperated sigh.

I make avoiding talking about things an art form. I wonder if there are medals for this kind of thing??

* Okay, I didn't really say that.
** Seriously. I wasn't really invoking bad Ashton Kutcher movies. It's called poetic license.

Monday, April 17, 2006

can't sleep

So it's like quarter to two on a Sunday night. Well, Monday morning if we're going to get technical. And I can't sleep. I hate not sleeping on Sunday nights, it throws off my whole week, and as if Monday mornings weren't a bad enough time anyway. Kind of my fault for passing out earlier this evening for a couple hours or so... since then I've just been pissing around on Myspazz and itunes, listening to music, flicking through my photos of my hard drive, watching dopey movie clips I've taken on my digicam - and the ones of London have made me suitably looking forward to going back.

I'm also really bummed I'm going to miss the Camden Crawl, which is this Thursday the 20th. If anyone goes, let me know what I miss.

Yesterday felt like summer, right? I finally got my bike fixed, I made the rounds of American Apparel-working friends [Williamsburg and Carroll Gdns], I randomly ran into the Imaginary Socialiate and Diamond Rodgers in the Burg, got messed around by the G line, later decided to make a spur of the moment trip down to Coney as I was already on the F Line at Bergen for Carroll Gdns, waited ages on line for Nathans, then the wind blew my order out my hand and splat onto the boardwalk. Frickin irritating, but c'est la vie. Said hi to some peeps I knew who were chillaxin on the beach, had to take off pretty quick to make it back in the city to pick up my bike from the shop. Headed back to JC. Later decided to start sorting out my room in preparation for packing... this actually translated to sitting on my bed reading magazines, eating ice cream with the Moulin Rouge DVD playing on my powerbook. The amount of shit I have to pack up worries me, yet every time I feel I should start doing something about it, I get hit with a terrible case of apathy...


Today escaped the city and headed upstate with the Strenge-Suarezs [haha] for lunch with Lauren's fam which was nice. Good to get out into the country, however briefly. The easter beagle visited more or less, but he visited via my friends that came over from London a couple of weeks ago, and my willpower is nowhere *near* strong enough to have a tube of mini eggs sitting around for two weeks or whatever without opening them. So. Mmmmm mini eggs.

mini eggs

Who's been keeping me company this evening:
The Rifles
The Boyfriends
Morning Runner
- what's up with exclamation marks in band names recently?? These two, Panic! At The Disco [the other day I saw like five different kids whose myspazz name was "Distress! At The Social Gathering". Oh so witty...] The Go! Team... Is the music industry slyly trying to inject some pep into our lives? Or are they all sarcastic? And saying that:

Note to self: British sarcasm and humour doesn't always translate to US audiences. Especially people from tiny northern Pennsylvania towns who are having bad days. Don't try to make a joke, you'll only make them cry - you don't even remember a time when you could make your younger sister cry - and have people muttering under their breath about you.

Note to people who may fall into the category above: writing an email while slyly glancing my way the whole time to make sure I'm not looking at your screen is as good as yelling "I'M BITCHING TO MY FRIENDS ABOUT YOU FOR BEING RUDE AND MEAN AND MAKING ME CRY, AND HAVING A WEIRD SENSE OF HUMOR THAT I DON'T GET, IN THIS EMAIL/IM!!"

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Sunday, April 09, 2006

sunday evening

I've done nothing of any worth all weekend - which is fine, because I'm broke, but not so fine when I think it's one of my last few weekends here. Was meant to do Misshapes last night then fell asleep watching Mean Girls before I went out, which blew that. Woke up to La Lohan giving her oh-so-moving winning Spring Fling Queen speech, and realised had lost the going-out spirit required for attending Misshapes.

I have, however, managed to discover two important things this weekend.



I'm totally digging on the Semifinalists, whose myspazz page I've been sitting on to listen to their tunes. Go check 'em out.

2) [Entry deleted at more or less request of person it was about. Even though I don't think they knew this entry was here].

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

popped my DJing cherry

ze decks

Last week.
Me: So at the PMC thing on Tuesday, can I DJ?
Alex: Hahaha.
Me: No, seriously. We can hit Rob and Omri over the head with a frying pan, lock them up in the broom cupboard and bum rush the decks…

Yesterday, 12:00pm
Alex: So you can spin tonight – be there at ten, bring vinyl or CDs
Me: [Gulp] Ummmm all my vinyl is in London-
Alex: Okay, CDs are fine-
Me: You won’t leave me alone will you?!
Alex: Nah – see you at ten.
[hangs up]
Me: [432 words into a 2000 word essay that has to be handed in in 2 hours, and with an exit interview scheduled to last all afternoon] Oh FUCK!

Well if I’m gonna talk the talk, guess I’ve gotta walk the walk, right? This entailed burning home as fast as after the interview [which went swimmingly; my work thinks I’m a star, I’ve got all As and Bs in my classes and the big cheese of the school/program think I’m an outstanding “candidate” and has offered me a very nice reference. I know, I’m so great…] then theoretically should have been burning CDs and playlists [I have very few CDs as I just listen to music off my computer] but I spent it talking to my bro James who sent me a ton of awesome tracks. And of course my computer decided to be a complete joey and stop burning CDs after a while. So off I ran, underprepared being an understatement, to Lolita on Broome and Allen in the LES.

And it was straight in at the deep end. Rob was spinning when I got there. Alex showed me what everything did, told me to choose a track. Rob had just thrown in Paint It Black so I lined up my first tune to lead in from that – Blank Generation – Richard Hell & The Voidoids – and away we went…

Alex stayed with me for the first few songs, then disappeared leaving me flying solo. It was actually a hell of a lot of fun, and I only made one major boo boo [pressing pause on my ipod, forgetting I was currently playing a track on it, oops] and got yelled at once for playing hip hop [felt slightly vindicated when a dude came over to talk to me a few minutes later and asked for some Biggie. Had to tell him I wasn’t allowed to play hip hop – not gentlemanly enough for the PMC, apparently…]

Track listings:
Richard Hell - Blank Generation
Louis XIV - Finding Out True Love Is Blind
[Alex’s choice]
The Cars – My Best Friend’s Girl
[Alex’s choice]
Madonna - Burning Up
Kim Wilde - Kids In America
Jonathan Edwards - Sunshine Go Away
The Beatles – Gotta Get You In My Life

And then I forget the order and exact tracks, but including a Beastie Boys/Beatles mashup [the one I got yelled at for], The Jam/Going UndergroundBlur/There’s No Other Way, Maximo Park/Apply Some Pressure, Doves/Black & White Town, Dandy Warhols/Bohemian Like You, Graham Coxon/Freakin’ Out, and The Futureheads/Stupid & Shallow… Not the most amazing tracks, and there were so many better ones I wanted to play, but like I say, it was my first time, I was kind of scrabbling around figuring out what I was doing. Next time...

funniest photo ever?

It was a Private Men's Club meeting, of course I had to wear a fake mustache
[for the first five minutes, anyway...]

all my vinyl's in London so i was stuck CDJing and ipodjing

madness indeed

Private Men's Club

Full set of photos here

Sunday, April 02, 2006

contented sigh

blossom in the friscalating dusk light

Everything smells of springtime - of warmth and hot concrete and a little tar, and blossom and just-lit cigarettes and a fusion of food smells as the restaurants open their doors and windows and move seating back outside, and everone is smiling and it's lighter later and the blossom in the friscalating dusk light [ha ha] on St Marks looks so magically beautiful, and the evenings are warm and made for sitting outside sharing drinks with friends or walking around the city and feeling every little detail is bleeding into you and being etched on your heart so it doesn't matter that in five weeks you have to leave it all behind because you know it's never goodbye, it's only see you soon...