Monday, April 17, 2006

can't sleep

So it's like quarter to two on a Sunday night. Well, Monday morning if we're going to get technical. And I can't sleep. I hate not sleeping on Sunday nights, it throws off my whole week, and as if Monday mornings weren't a bad enough time anyway. Kind of my fault for passing out earlier this evening for a couple hours or so... since then I've just been pissing around on Myspazz and itunes, listening to music, flicking through my photos of my hard drive, watching dopey movie clips I've taken on my digicam - and the ones of London have made me suitably looking forward to going back.

I'm also really bummed I'm going to miss the Camden Crawl, which is this Thursday the 20th. If anyone goes, let me know what I miss.

Yesterday felt like summer, right? I finally got my bike fixed, I made the rounds of American Apparel-working friends [Williamsburg and Carroll Gdns], I randomly ran into the Imaginary Socialiate and Diamond Rodgers in the Burg, got messed around by the G line, later decided to make a spur of the moment trip down to Coney as I was already on the F Line at Bergen for Carroll Gdns, waited ages on line for Nathans, then the wind blew my order out my hand and splat onto the boardwalk. Frickin irritating, but c'est la vie. Said hi to some peeps I knew who were chillaxin on the beach, had to take off pretty quick to make it back in the city to pick up my bike from the shop. Headed back to JC. Later decided to start sorting out my room in preparation for packing... this actually translated to sitting on my bed reading magazines, eating ice cream with the Moulin Rouge DVD playing on my powerbook. The amount of shit I have to pack up worries me, yet every time I feel I should start doing something about it, I get hit with a terrible case of apathy...


Today escaped the city and headed upstate with the Strenge-Suarezs [haha] for lunch with Lauren's fam which was nice. Good to get out into the country, however briefly. The easter beagle visited more or less, but he visited via my friends that came over from London a couple of weeks ago, and my willpower is nowhere *near* strong enough to have a tube of mini eggs sitting around for two weeks or whatever without opening them. So. Mmmmm mini eggs.

mini eggs

Who's been keeping me company this evening:
The Rifles
The Boyfriends
Morning Runner
- what's up with exclamation marks in band names recently?? These two, Panic! At The Disco [the other day I saw like five different kids whose myspazz name was "Distress! At The Social Gathering". Oh so witty...] The Go! Team... Is the music industry slyly trying to inject some pep into our lives? Or are they all sarcastic? And saying that:

Note to self: British sarcasm and humour doesn't always translate to US audiences. Especially people from tiny northern Pennsylvania towns who are having bad days. Don't try to make a joke, you'll only make them cry - you don't even remember a time when you could make your younger sister cry - and have people muttering under their breath about you.

Note to people who may fall into the category above: writing an email while slyly glancing my way the whole time to make sure I'm not looking at your screen is as good as yelling "I'M BITCHING TO MY FRIENDS ABOUT YOU FOR BEING RUDE AND MEAN AND MAKING ME CRY, AND HAVING A WEIRD SENSE OF HUMOR THAT I DON'T GET, IN THIS EMAIL/IM!!"

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