Friday, May 19, 2006

jobless layabout

As I'm still jobless it means I have time for lunch dates in Covent Garden, and afternoon tea in Soho, for popping in to Magma and standing gawping at everything like a kid in a candy store [a moment of self-promotion: check out the new Flux mag, issue 54 - got my Sonic Youth interview in], picking up the new Amelia's that has Swarovski crystals on the front and the new Super Super [j'adore].

It means I have time to go sit in the Apple Store on Regent St to hear my friend give a presentation, and later spend too long hunting for good ice cream in the supermarket [and failing]. It means I've had time to be bummed the Nets are out of the playoffs. To read two Harry Potter books [the sixth and then re-reading the first. Geek Alert: I'd just like to say OMG about the ending of the sixth. Okay, geeky moment over]. To watch a whole series of Buffy on DVD over a long weekend [okay, maybe that geek moment wasn't over...] To realise that my bank balance needs topping up verrrrry soon. And more than enough time to notice the Evening Standard comment that unemployment is at its highest since 2002...

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