Thursday, May 04, 2006

i love these motherfuckers

I've spent the day running around with Mz Lula, carrying bags overloaded with things from Teen Vogue with horrible handles that cut into my hands, run into Crapercrombie on Fifth Ave for my sister but been unable to handle that shop for more than three minutes, gone back to my 'hood, gone to Target to try and find some luggage, gone back into the city for the show... so I'm tired and still feeling a little sad from the night before [Djing - awesome fun, everything just clicked and the shaky hands only lasted two or songs, but then I got bummed out with everyone there thinking that soon I'd be so far away from them].

The Ivy League show this evening, Lower East Side. A small acoustic affair. I'm sat at the bar with my two homegirls, mojito in hand.

The boys start their set. There's the usual awesome banter, the fabulous tunes.

Then they dedicate one of my favourite of their songs to me. And end the song with a couple of bars from 'Greensleeves'. And, of course, I can't stop crying.


Alex & Ry, love you both and you better bring the Ivy League show to the UK soon.

1 comment:

Nicky Peacock said...

