misshapes was funny last night. i was in the hood earlier in the evening so i got my hand stamped and left. walked up to the chelsea apt. watered the flowers, stood on the roof deck for a bit absorbing the city. played the piano and drank whisky. felt a bit like tom waits. it got to about midnight and i figured i'd take off, so locked up and wandered back down to the west village. the queue (sorry, 'line') out luke & leroys was backed up a bit. kids spilling out the club onto the pavement (sorry, 'sidewalk') as ever. i felt a bit smug being able to bypass it all and just stroll straight it.
bumped into one of the kids in my class. one of the first things he says to me: "you don't hang out with the MB people do you. are you an outcast?" i was about to be offended when he explained he didn't hang out with them either (why would you ever want to?) - we both prefer doing our own thing. so we made a little outcasts club that we're the sole members of. i'm not sure a club for outcasts can have too many members, else they wouldn't be outcasts anymore, issit?
it was funny that i could walk into that place by myself and still be able to happily spend the night there. a bunch of people i knew, talking to randoms. made friends with the sweet coat check boy. almost got mown down by a fight inside as the bouncers threw some guy out (never seen that before there). bought a coke and topped up from my hipflask.
on friday i ran into orchard bar to use their bathroom quickly and to do a quick scout if my roommate was there (she'd said she might be). the doorman was carding some people but he saw me walking up and was like 'hi sweetie! go on in!' - which amused me but also made me think, 'maybe i go here too much.' i kind of thought that about misshapes last night too, when i could do what i did, go solo and still know kids and have fun. but i guess that's what moving someplace new is about, isn't it? you have to find a new circle to move in, new haunts to hang. these seem to have become mine. but there's good people and good times to be had.
my sister will be in town in about four weeks. it'll be interesting showing her these places.
oh, also on friday night, this total creep followed and harrassed me up 1st St and up a block of the bowery. he was like 'hey i'm married, but you wanna come with me?' i ignored him and walked past and he got back in his car and drove further up 1st then stopped and got out his car as i got nearer. he freaked me out. i managed to lose him amongst the overspill outside CBGBs. but what a dick. first time it's happened in this city.
sheesh, i'm bored. and a bit hungry. i want pizza.
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