dear myopenbar
i know you're saying you were the ones that 'blew up' Bang @ No. 1 Chinese - and i'm not debating that - but i think i might use the phrase 'completely altered'.
last night some friends i haven't seen for a while (two of whom are in the foreground of above photo. just.) suggested going there as they hadn't been. last time i went there was about six weeks ago.
man, have the drink sizes shrunk. last time we got big glasses and generous measures. last night it looked like they were using punch glasses. and you really weren't kidding about not being able to get to the bar. i think half of most people's drinks seemed to go over me as they tried to fight their way through the crowds (and i tried to avoid having any more drink spilled on me).
the one bonus point: the bartender actually understood what i said this time, so i didn't wind up with vodka-cokes again (gross)
also, not that this is your fault, but there were a lot of guys wearing short, tight shorts. and one guy was even wearing white jeans.
another also, it became increasingly hard to take photos as the evening wore in. i couldn't get my targets in shot. now i'm not blaming you for this, saying that there were so many people there that i kept getting jostled while trying to use my cam. or that you'd told us about the free alcohol in the first place, which may or may not have had something to do with camera-missuse. i'm just saying, is all.
and as for far-reaching, i have people back in london telling me they've read about the site. and the (stupid) english kids here all talk about it too (that was nothing to do with me).
so consider that you have far more influence than you thought you ever would and remember: with great power, comes great responsibility...
- - -
this morning on the PATH train i was that crazy person that starts laughing for what seems like no reason. i was in fact remembering something i'd dreamed (it involved 3-dimensional cartoon fairy murals on the walls at Misshapes), but still. my apologies to all my fellow passengers. i'm not about to join the ranks of Teddy the homeless guy or the lunatic who parades through the cars showing everyone the pills in his hand.
i know you got soul. peace out.
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