* picking up Carter Beats The Devil as the boys were watching the football (the Premiership has restarted, yawwwwn...) and being totally suckered into it again. better the second time round, so far. what a great book.
* getting to play the piano (badly. and worse since it wasn't even in tune to begin with) at the apt. i'm meant to be housesitting (although yesterday afternoon was the first time i've set foot in it since they left. i felt guilty about watering the plants)
* walking down 22nd while the no-rain thunderstorm raged right overhead. lighting arcing down a block from where i stood, thunder rumbling in my breastbone, dark clouds so low it felt like you could touch them, and that weird grey-yellow light you get in thunderstorms. it was electrifying (no pun intended) and exhilarating.
* spending far longer than i realised (about two and half hours, probably) in the barnes & noble at 6th & 22nd reading magazines (V, Index, Flaunt...) in the coffee shop and wondering why it is exactly that i want to work for these kind of publications so much.
* getting to hang with miss lastrenge at alligator lounge, where you buy a drink, you get a free pizza. what an amazing deal.
* 3x stoli vanilla dash of lime juice. what a fab drink.
* walking back from the PATH station in the rain at about 1am, but not caring i got wet (i even had an umbrella in my bag) because walking along in the rain, singing 'across the universe' to myself, felt like a good kind of ending to the weekend.
most of the rest of it. up until about 6pm sunday evening it was kind of a nothing-verging on-crummy weekend.
actually, the barry mcghee show at deitch was good. went there with jeanie & roycebannon. it was fun, but the city was so fucking humid on saturday afternoon i felt like might melt or something, and it was giving me a supreme headache.
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