Friday, October 21, 2005

a loaded God complex, cock it and pull it

the male species, in general, sucks. and please note i did say "in general". yes, i am generalising.

for some reason this week it seems to be harrassment week. and i'm fucking fed up of it (oh, by the way, in case you hadn't realised, i'm also really overtired and kind of cranky right now).

guys. if you're drunk or crazy or bitter about some girl or not having some girl or about some other guy who got the girl or whatEVER the hell it is, please don't take it out on others.

being held up and being told you'll be raped for ten bucks if necessary isn't fun.

having a crazy drunken old man leering and leching and getting too close and talking filthy at you as you walk from the subway to the PATH train at one in the morning isn't fun.

having someone try and convince you to get in their car when you're on a deserted street with building sites either side is a little edgy, when he gets in his car, drives off and pulls up a way up the street, blocking your way, isn't remotely fun.

having someone holler at you down broadway is kind of funny when you don't realise it's aimed at you, a little less amusing when you realise it is, and a lot less fucking funny when the dude follows you for two blocks.

having the guy that always hangs out on the corner of the street where i work ("Yo, Air Force Ones, Air Force Ones, Gucci bags, white t-shirts...!") be all "Yo, 'sup ma..." every time I walked past - well, actually that was kind of funny.

for the record, at no point was i dressed like a hooker. if i was wearing a skirt it was a reasonable length. i wasn't wearing fuck-me boots (i don't even own any; my boots are flat and slouchy and totally battered. i need new ones). my jeans weren't skin-tight. i was usually wearing a long-sleeved sweater or a jacket. there was nothing that was saying "yes, i want this attention." maybe it's the fact i'm walking by myself? that shouldn't have to be a factor. no one else lives in JC, what'm i meant to do, take a fucking cab everywhere? find an escort? not go out, ever again?

and it probably is just because i am tired and down and a little grumpy that i feel the need to vent off about this or whatever, but i don't know if (nice) guys know how often it happens to girls, and i'm fed up and it's happened too much this week and i'm crap with this kind of stuff anyway, it's really putting me on edge and giving me a stomach ache.

the next time it happens i might just turn around and box that guy in the nose. that'd learn 'im.

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