Thursday, November 17, 2005

nothing like some good ol' homegrown rock-n-fuckin-roll

arctic monkeys 11-16-05 003

[that's right mofos, i got me a new camera. had to mug an old lady after work and steal her pension to afford it, but whatevs...]

so tonight me and me old china, miss lauren, visited the bowery ballroom to be serenaded by yorkshire's finest, the arctic monkeys.

what. a. show.

[to clarify, people: i mean it was good. it rocked. almost as good as the We Are Scientists show. maybe on a par. so gerry from LA, read things properly before mouthing off in the comments section.]

so many fucking english people there though, most of 'em drunk and obnoxious. lots of them yelling about sheffield or halifax or some other goddamn northern town, innit. it was enough to make me want to disown my nationality. to make matters worse there were a fair few that i knew, the MB kids who i always avoid, so i spent half the time hiding from those jerkoffs.

the crowd was crazy - i don't know if it was the amount of limeys there or what, but i've never seen a crowd so hyped and into it - well, since leaving london, anyhow. but we had an awesome time and managed to avoid getting our toes jumped on. it was great, everyone singing along 'n shit.

it's a very british brand of rock-n-roll - do americans even know what "mardy" means? or what kind of people would wear "tracky bottoms tucked in socks"? - and after the catchy-as-hell and ever-so-american pop punk i keep finding myself humming [yes Fall Out Boy I'm referring to you] it made a nice change.

when we left, it was pissing it down again [not so much fun]. we headed up to max fish to go see jenne and joe and brandon; whilst there i was texting the Little Scottish Boy, as I wasn't sure if drinks at Fat Baby were still on or not, and got an excited response telling us he'd just met David Bowie. what the fuck, man. we left too early, clearly.

[see what you missed. a certain romance. excuse the slight shakiness. new cam and all that...]

View this clip on Vimeo


Anonymous said...

Oh my god what a boring bitch, I actually thought them British kids gave the place some atmosphere, its better then the usual chin stroking too cool for school NYers. Im from LA and the atmosphere is always great at gigs there. You could tell that the band loved it too. What do you want silence! It reminded me of some great show I went to in Manchester UK a few years ago. You've obviously missed the point about NY sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a great atmosphere too. I studied for a semester in Sheffield, and I found that they were really friendly people. Londoners were cold an arrogant. I used to find that the people living in Southern England were very rude.
I saw the arctic monkeys when i was at school there just as they were getting their act together.

Anonymous said...

Id have to say that the quote at the top of this page pretty much somes this guy up whoever he is, boring and unoriginal. Its like something the teacher would tell you in 5th grade, or a line from a Bon Jovi song.
Do us all a favour and stick to Bon Jovi gigs and leave the cool kids to the cool bands.

h said...

umm i think gerry missed the point. i agreed it was a good atmosphere, freak, i just said there were a helluva lot of english people. and being english, i'm entitled to say that.

actually, having just re-read his comment, did he even read my entry properly?? did i not say the show rocked? much more lively than the head-nodding, toe-tapping that can go on in these places.

Anonymous said...

When I said unoriginal quotes I was referring this one:
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it..."

Come on baby you're living in NY, you pretentiouss kids from London obviously arent getting out enough. Write something original on your blog for once.

Anonymous said...

Yeah you kids of got it fckn spot on likes, these arrogant pricks from London never ken fck all likes. They come over to NY with all their heirs and graces, acting up to what they think is 'cool', and they always get it fckin wrong. Well done to the northern lads for giving the gig a bit of a kick the other night, well done to the Monkeys too.

h said...

it annoys me that i'm doing this, but just in my own defence:

1) i said the show rocked. i said the arctic monkeys rocked. i said i had a good time and enjoyed the atmosphere.
2) i did bitch about rowdy drunken english folk, but here, if you want to even the scales - at the WAS/Ambulance show a couple weeks ago there were rowdy drunken american folk who were equally irritating. and if you're one of the MB lot i refer to - well, whatevs. it's pretty clear by now that i don't have much in common with any of you. for the most part y'all are alright, but it's not like we mesh that well or anything.
3) i don't want silence at a gig - who would? fucking boring.
4) please enlighten me as to the "point" of NY.
5) yes, londoners can be unfriendly and rude, it's true. as can new yorkers. but all the gigs i went to in london were always pretty hyped, good atmospheres; i was saying that the monkeys gig was the closest i've come to experiencing a similar atmosphere or whatever over here.
6) the quote was from ferris bueller. yes, unoriginal, but it's old and i hadn't updated. now updated, just for you.
7) i've never been to a bon jovi show, let alone owned a bon jovi album. it's debatable whether i could name a bon jovi song.
8) i'm not even remotely pretentious. believe me.
9) rab, it's "airs and graces".
10) if you're gonna bitch, at least leave a link where we can see who you are.