and no, i'm not drunk. i wasn't drinking tonight. just totally red bulled up. hence why i'm still awake at 6:30am with no sign of falling asleep for a while...
i just had such a fabulous time at stolen transmission this evening, which i haven't done in aaaaaaages [mainly 'cause i haven't been there partying in a long time. this made me realise i should go much more often]. i kinda prefer it to misshapes, it's smaller and hotter and equally boring lines for the bathrooms, but it's less... sceney? i don't know. but SO. MUCH. FUN. and great music. sarah and karen, i love you.
they should totally start charging for the amount of bags and sweaters and jackets they look after though. on that note, if anyone sees a black sweater, it got mislaid somewhere in the DJ booth when bags got rearranged so their friend josh could crash at the back there.
dance parties are so much fun.
- the manic dancers we saw at Lit beforehand, that CC and Jenne decided to battle. comedy.
- jenne & CC deciding to put on english accents on the walk from Lit to Orchard Bar. i haven't laughed that hard in a long long time. they were actually fairly good - jenne just sounded like a posh english person. and they were tring to drop in all the english slang they knew: "are you taking the piss?" "oh bloody hell, you bloody twat" "fancy a cuppa?" they started talking to some guy who walked past and i think they convinced him 'cause he yelled after them "tip your bartender!" god, they were brilliant. so funny.
- the fact that they were projecting 'you got served' on the back wall. cheesy hip hop movies - hollaaaa!
- the amount of tunes that were being played. it's awesome when the crowd really responds to a song
- the 'remix' of the harvey danger song
- the people properly grinding up against the back wall... and gurj bellowing across the dance floor "look at them! look at what they're doing!" brilliant.
- running into leith's friend jenny who i haven't seen for aaaaages
- the fact that i wasn't drunk so the journey home was a piece of piss. no falling asleep on the train.
- oh whatevs, the whole night. like i say, i needed a night like that as there hasn't been one for a while and it was FUN.
okay, the red bull still isn't wearing off so i'm going to be hyper elsewhere. shit, it's kind of daylight outside. yikes. fucking caffeine.
1 comment:
you finally had a good and long night out! YES!
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