Thursday, September 22, 2005

no bang! and big smoke

so my sister wanted to go out last night and i'd mentioned the Bang! party at No.1 Chinese to her, so we were more or less planning on that. then she made me meet her in bloomingdales after work to help her buy some jeans. sometimes i'm a good person to shop with, sometimes i'm not. last night was the latter. i was knackered. i think i actually dozed off in the fitting rooms for a moment whilst waiting for her. we came out and i was tired and cranky and the thought of Bang! was enough to make me cry so i dragged her into the cinema where we watched wedding crashers and had popcorn for dinner. i'm such a party animal sometimes it hurts.

people/things to see and do whilst back in the big smoke: [in no order]
* HF. Marie & Spencer. Sam & Jo [well obv, I’m going back for their freakin’ engagement party…] Uni housemates. Semoosh. Jimmy and Leet and James D and Jerry and Sal. And Nicky P, if she’ll come down. My grandma. Teddy & George. The porn corner?
* Hug my family. A lot.
* Tell my friends I’m sorry if I’ve ever taken them for granted.
* Ride my beloved BMX Raleigh Burner whenever it’s not raining, or I’m asleep. Or out.
* Sleep. A lot. In my own bed. In a room that actually attains a degree of darkness.
* pick up my Repo Man DVD. actually, pick up a bunch more DVDs to bring back over.
* Busaba/Wagamamas/New World dim sum/The Stockpot /CCK
* Enjoy the supermarkets. Aah, Sainsburys, Tescos, M&S…
* Portobello market – on Friday morning, most likely
* Brick Lane market – on Sunday as meant to be meeting the London bike gang kids round that way.
* TOPSHOP! Primark. Hennes, just in case there’s any different stock?
* Lovingly dust off my record player and vinyl and tell them how much I’ve missed them
* Kew Bridge. [ooh, Kew Gardens too if time] Chiswick Bridge. Waterloo Bridge.
* Get the good old 94 bus up to town. Bitch about how ridiculous bus fares are.
* Try not to talk with this American twang I’ve apparently picked up.
* See if I can convince my momma she really does want to pay for me to get a haircut. Or else go to one of those training session things that cost like fifteen quid.
* Go to Fouberts [i can't believe it's been bought by Soho House] for the best Italian ice cream in London. Then wander round the Old Cinema

shit, i really need to start sorting stuff out and packing. i'm just not too sure when i'm going to have time. eeek.

1 comment:

Nicky Peacock said...

nicky p blows you an english kiss