It's Saturday. It's bloody freezing. For some reason I think it's a good idea to go to Canal Street, forgetting about the horrendous crowds. On the walk up from the WTC PATH station, I stop by the Dance Party Deli - only there's no music, they're playing the news from the radio [three women killed when minibus overturns] and it's more Downer Deli than Dance Party. I hit up Pearl Arts - the main reason for going - and am so overwhelmed and kid-in-a-candy-store-like, I leave without a single purchase. the JMZ takes me to Marcy and I walk round to Bedford, stopping by American Apparel to say hello to a croaky Lauren who sounds like she's been smoking 40 a day, then on up to Graham, when my crappy pay-as-you-go phone runs out of credit and I'm hanging around in the blistering cold trying to make Miss C notice I'm knocking at her front door.
Later, back in JC, and it's time for Chrismukkah dinner at ours: all five of us plus the Uptown [although originally from Jersey] girls and two boyfriends. There's enough food and booze to feed a small army, and with an even six Gentiles to six Jews it's pretty fair to call it Chrismukkah.
It's been decided that we have to 'dress up' - hence Jasmin looking fabulous taking roast potatoes out the oven and the boys in suits in the background. I prance around in my ebay-bought Marc Jacobs dress all evening, not being bothered to take it off when we go out and suffering from the severe cold as a result.
Whilst some whip out the Trivial Pursuit in the living room, a private Kylie Dance Party goes on in one of the bedrooms, before the dancing is moved to Misshapes, where I finally meet and hang out with the very lovely Ellen and her friends Anya and Faran. At one point I'm in Hercules' deli across the road, buying OJ [to top up with vodka from hipflask, although pretend I'm classier than that and didn't just admit to it] and start chatting with a woman in there who turns out to be good mates with Billy Idol [!]
As I step outside Luke & Leroy's, after hearing many mutterings about it being the last one there [odds on Don Hill's, anyone?], it's started to snow, and I'm in awe.
Back in JC and the 'hood is looking very white and festive:
and even the garish and somewhat tacky Christmas lights they have everywhere look kinda pretty in the muted snow-light.
1 comment:
i wanna see yr dress.
i really, really do.
show me.
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