Saturday, June 11, 2005

up and down the east side

up to meet L. at the carlyle in the upper east side with my stuff - marvel at the splendour - ignore everything in the overpriced minibar and make drinks with vodka bought from duty free and soda from duane reade - order out pizza - a few drinks and slices later, leave and get the 6 downtown - head to the dark room - meet L's high school friend straight off, then Jason, the bar's owner and L's friend from london - free drinks all night, it would seem - CC turns up with roommate - drinks, talk, cigarettes outside (menthols) - everyone hanging in the street again - the LES on a summer night, yo - back inside, more free drinks (L. decides shots would be good, Jason gives us Jaegermeister), talking to strange employees - CC has to take off - L and I go hang upstairs in Jason's apt - a strange blond australian girl turns up at the apartment "i'm getting a plane tomorrowwww jayyyson and i just wanted to say byyyyeee" - odd chick - back downstairs, more drinks, more talk, more jukebox - back upstairs - get invaded by more of Jason's friends, a cool girl called Dagney and some others i don't remember - a really really stoned guy called harry who was sat opposite me trying to feel me up - even *more* people turned up once the bar shut, all the bartenders 'n shit - eventually wandering out of the apt when it was broad daylight - stumbling to the bowery and hailing a cab back up to 76th & madison that was surprisingly cheap although no traffic at that time of morning on a saturday - somehow getting into PJs and collapsing into the most beautiful comfortable bed - sleeping till about 2pm, the tv on all night, occasionally waking up to hear spongebob squarepants on in the background - falling asleep again about 3 for another hour or so - bubble bath, get dressed - head to barneys, air incredibly humid and oppressive - big thunderstorm while we're in barneys - walk past seal and heidi klum - have dinner in the restaurant on the top floor of barneys - stopped raining when we come out - walk back, find 'ever after' on tv, watch it in bed - make an executive decision to leave once movie is over as would be so easy to just stay in bed for the rest of the weekend - trek back to JC, am unimaginably depressed at returning to this apartment after the luxury of the carlyle...

1 comment:

Nicky Peacock said...

next time you go meet L.
- i'm coming too..