Saturday, March 13, 2004

a star studded premiere

first entry. so, a new website. interesting. i'm not hugely tech-literate, so i have no idea how this will all turn out. although, out of my family, i'm about the only one who can do anything. i feel i should set up a separate phone line on my mobile for tech support for when one of them calls me.

"okay, so, how do i do timer on the VCR?"

"'s due in ten minutes and i need to go and print it out and i don't know how to save it to disk - help!"

"well, how do i move down a line?"
"press enter."
"enter? what's that?"
"enter. ENTER.... carriage return?"

three feet high and rising burning up the stereo and weird springtime weather - sunny but keeps sporadically pissing it down.

bear with me while i wrestle with this bastard. i'll have square eyes by the end of the weekend.

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