Tuesday, March 27, 2007

How I know when I’ve been at a temp job too long and it’s time to start thinking about moving on (yes, I have bad job commitment issues, I know):

1. I don’t even remotely care about what time I arrive at work and turn off my alarm about five times, eventually rolling out of bed somewhere between 8:30 and quarter to nine, just about arriving on time in the end
2. If I get to the station and the trains are cancelled or just generally fucked up, I neither care nor consider calling in to let someone know I’ll be late and why
3. What I wear slowly degrades from suitable for work (skirt, t-shirt, ballet flats) to suitable for casual media company (usually where I’m working: jeans, t-shirt, flats or Chucks) to plain old can’t-be-bothered: jeans, tatty tee, grubby Chucks and hoodie
4. I spend time cleaning out drawers in my desk that are overrun with pens and paperclips when there are urgent clearance requests and reports that need me to get a signature
5. I spend time spacing out staring at the computer screen, occasionally moving the mouse around, so it looks like I’m doing something
6. The music emanating from my computer gets louder and less workplace-friendly
7. I write blog entries
8. Although I technically finish work at 6, by about 5:15 I’ve stopped working and kill time till about 5:40ish when I don’t even pretend that I’m working

Oh well. Back off to NY in about 10 days, hopefully that’ll clear the systems and get me back in work mode for the end of April. Hopefully…

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