Saturday, May 15, 2004

one crazy assed bbq

hell, what a bbq.
met pro_keds in the library bar (ave A) first, along with salmon and her friend jenny.
bumping into david cross again.
big rats on the subway.
car from p_k's to fort greene and the bbq at chonch's house.
more beer.
running out of tequila so making dirty margaritas.
only eating chips (doritos) as never got round to grabbing any bbq.
thinking it was a good idea to bring out the water balloons.
instigating a conveyor belt system at the sink with frank but the balloons kept tearing.
big water fight.
wet kitchen floor.
slow dancing in the kitchen with p_k to the slow-dance-bbq CD jeff had made.
the pimpin party going on in the garden behind the one we were in.
moving on to meadows' place.
talking to a "shemale" who then started playing bongos.
frank's striptease.
jeff's spontaneous dance routine.
curling up on the sofa with meadows' new martin parr book.
falling asleep on the windowsill, then crawling to the couch when jeff and aimee staggered out.
waking up and walking out into the beautiful morning light but realising i had no idea how to get home.
asking the guy at the petrol station.
the G and F trains being surprisingly full for 6:30 on a saturday morning.
pancakes at mcdonalds, mmm.
no sleep.
ajay probably dragging me to coney island in a couple of hours.

it's aaaaalllll good.

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