Michelle's pre-birthday dinner turns into a white trash cook-in... hotdogs [with a veggie option for us non-meateaters], beans, mash, orange soda... it was even classy 'sunkist' soda - no krasdale orange soda for a birthday party!
Lauren, Sarah, Cara and I eat most of the crisps [sorry, "chips"] before the others turn up. MIchelle comes by and starts making frosting for the cake, only she bought granulated sugar instead of icing [sorry, "powdered' or "confectioners"...] so it's kind of a purple mess... so the cake is frosted with Funfetti instead.
Ricky cooks for us all. Rob comes up, and Gurj comes by after a little while. I'm kinda chipped out so only manage one hotdog. Once everyone's eaten, Lauren suggests a game of Scene It?, the musical edition. Rob gets ultra competitive, and gets yelled at when he misses a really easy Johnny Cash question. "I don't know country music!" Gurj and Sarah gossip away on the sofa, for the most part ignoring the game. Michelle seems to know everything.
Rob disappears back down to his apt, and Ricky zoomed off when Scene It? was suggested, so it turns into a girly party. We discuss certain girls in band - complete with fucking hilarious impressions - then talk turns to stalker girls of bands. I can't believe some of this shit. It's *fascinating*.
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