Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Current obsessions


* Julie Andrews. After January got to me a little too much yesterday, causing me to bail on work, I ended up watching Mary Poppins and my love for Julie Andrews [don't get me started on The Sound of Music or Thoroughly Modern Mille] reached new heights.

* Blueberries. Tastee and apparently healthy.

* We Are Scientists - Can't Lose
The Longcut - Transition
The Oohlas - The Rapid [finally checked 'em out after Sarah's been raving about them for so long, and this song has become, evidently, one of my new obsessions]

* Finally having my own room

* Buffy series three [The Prom episode is guaran-fucking-teed to make me cry every single time]

* The perfect hot chocolate.

* Counting down till spring. I, for one, cannot wait till Jan. and Feb. are over.

* London. I'm a little homesick at the moment.

* Finding a better job. I may be homesick but I don't really want to go back. Even if my 'hood can look this beautiful:

friday evening sunset

Sunset over the Thames right near where I live, West London, last March.


rock goddess said...

Buffy pwns. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

now i know the answer...