do you:
a) buy a $3.50 box of california rolls (mmm sushi) that is technically lunch and dinner, that will leave you with six or so bucks left for emergencies/friday morning etc.
b) buy a frappacino because it's so frickin hot and you need some caffeine just to stay awake in the afternoon (both of which could constitute an 'emergency')
c) go to hennes (H&M) after work and pick up lots of pretty things then put it all on your english debit card, using the "reserve funds" you'd wanted to save for absolute emergencies
d) say fuck it and do all of the above, leaving you with four dollars in quarters which is just enough to do your laundry if you borrow four more quarters from your kindly roommate?
plus, this is getting really quite tiresome.
from across the pond:
my sister:
fiiiiiiii says:
my god london is becoming a bit of a joke
hanner says:
hanner says:
what now?
fiiiiiiii says:
sth being searched on harrow road..did you hear about this morning
hanner says:
the guy being shot?
fiiiiiiii says:
yeah - did i tell you
fiiiiiiii says:
its crazy
hanner says:
fiiiiiiii says:
like something out of 24
hanner says:
From: hannah
To: sam
Subject: RE:
Sent: 22 July 2005 13:41:12
…how are things after yesterday? most ppl i've spoken with are just really fed up and pissed off
From : Sam
Sent : 22 July 2005 13:46:05
To : hannah
Subject : RE:
…I feel pretty much the same. It was pissed off-ness yesterday, then by this morning it's just a feeling of God, please, just stop it. I don't want to be frightened and I don't want anyone else to suffer, and I don't like the fact that [her home town in the Buckinghamshire] seems appealing again. I'm pissed off that we are totally at "their" mercy, and their only targets are everyone, at every time and everywhere. It just feels like I imagine it does in Iraq (on a teeeny weeny scale).
It's bloody ridiculous and I'm pissed off and in a bad mood. Shepherds Bush is still cordoned off now and Vincent can't get home. They've set up 2 shelters in Bush for the people who can't get home but it's a really weird atmosphere. All the winos are wandering the streets because they can't sit in their usual spots on Bush Green. There was an impromptu street party between a pub on Goldhawk Road and Scotts Court estate with a big white van with loads of speakers thumping out beats. The police were very defensive as they are not well liked in Bush so were doing the best they could. Everyone was out and about as they knew the feds had better things to do than hassle people so people were bunning on the street (ahem) and it was just really weird. You would never think that there was/is an unexploded bomb a few metres up the road.
Spence was also lectured by a policeman. Earlier in the day he had parked his car in the parking places but he'd had to go the wrong way down a one way system to park it as the other end of the street had already been blocked off. So obviously, they blocked the rest of the street off and Spence still can't get the car. He was trying to convince the policeman to let him get it last night but then he got lectured about the fact that he should be thankful that the only thing he is worried about is his car. If the bombs had gone off who knows who would have been killed by it and we would have known some of them. Izzy was on that line around and just before that time (but obv. didn't notice anything!). It's just so infuriating that you can't carry on with life which is hard enough at the moment without all this crap on top of it.
it all sounds a little chaotic over there. i just saw on the bbc site that some guy has been shot dead by police. christ. what the hell is happening to our city?
It's a crazy place at the moment. The guy was a suspected suicide bomber in Stockwell and they shot him 5 times. Dead. Nice.
Bush is still cordoned off.
The detonators went off but the bombs didn't. They're saying that in Bush the bomber (who obv. thought he was about to die) was shocked, picked himself up off the bomb and legged it down the tracks, through some gardens and along Wood Lane by the BBC. So they've sectioned off the whole area to look for evidence, they won't let any cars be taken away in case it's the bomber's, and they have found a suspect package on the road of Spencer's office which could be explosives or evidence. They have to do it all bit by bit and they said it could stay like this for a week if necessary. It's awful on the tubes though - everyone is really suspicious and it's made worse by the fact that so many people wear rucksacks.
blimey. what's the general atmosphere over there now, is it pretty tense? or are people just really fed up?
A bit of both really. A lot of people are scared as they weren't expecting another attack so soon and now they're wondering what's coming next. Some are angry that we're being terrorised, and a lot of people are suspicious of everything. Even to the point of suggesting that the government has done it to keep everyone scared (because none of the bombs went off yesterday). I just think the whole thing is stupid. Why don't they just do assassinations of people who piss them off these days instead of targeting us poor people who don't even like our stupid prime minister.
I'm just getting fed up with there always being something wrong. I can't even get to and from work without it being a challenge. Nothing is easy at all and I'm getting severely fucked off.
i'm not convinced the british government is quite that sneaky
do you think yesterday was a copycat attack or something? what's the media saying, are they saying that being exactly two weeks after, three tubes and a bus it's therefore the same people, or do they think that the original attacks opened the door for all the nutters and now they're all trying to have a go? what do you think?
I don't think the government is that stupid. Tony Blair must know that he is being blamed by the public for this and I don't see why he would make it worse for himself. His speech yesterday was a bit half-hearted I think.
They don't seem to think it's copy cat attackers. From the evidence they have gathered so far it was the same explosives, materials and possibly bags. They think that all the bombs were made at the same time but as bombs have a shelf life, they all malfunctioned because the materials had either gone off or got damp. They said that they were definitely designed to kill but something went wrong. All the witnesses at the different locations say that the bombers all looked terrified (naturally when you thought you were going to die a minute before) and then they legged it. These guys are going to be fucked when they're caught.
I still feel the same as I did after the last attack and that is that I don't think this is the main thing they have planned unless they don't intend to kill Londoners but just bring us to a standstill with regards to transport, tourism and economy. Compared to NY and Madrid we haven't really seen anything yet.
yes i would tend to agree
can we please change the subject as it's stressing me out a little to think of it, of everyone i love being in that one place that seems to be becoming a mini-war zone...
umm, it's friday, the weekend, any plans?
sorry. i know. it's a shit world we're living in.
happy weekend, everyone...
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