Thursday, September 09, 2004

The Producer speaks

so i bumped into The Producer the other day; he was walking out a dry cleaner's as i walked past - when i should have actually been in richmond. and he'd tried to call me an hour previous but my phone had been off. it's so easy to see these "signs" everywhere...

after a little chitchat:

"...what it comes back to is that I think you're a fantastic writer-"

oh god, that sounds like there's going to be a 'but', he's going to say 'but- something', oh shit, but what?

" - and what's coming back from these people is that they think you should write a book."


yes, that was unexpected. now what??

hey, at least it saves me calling him. i hate calling people.


shadowbox said...

Some times opportunity knocks. And sometimes it just kicks down your door, makes itself at home in your living room and asks for a beer.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, so now what do you do? A book about what I wonder...

-Col Mustard