Tuesday, August 24, 2004


so the deadline for that job i kind of wanted (trainee script editor) was actually august 20th, not august 27th. that means i missed it.

i obviously wasn't meant to have that job. maybe it's a sign that i shouldn't be editing other people's scripts but focusing on my own. because if i'm honest with myself, in my heart of hearts that's what i'd love to do for a living; write scripts.

i think i had it too easy the first time round, with a producer saying he wanted it. but now - it's probably just gathering dust somewhere at shepperton. and i'm too chicken to call and ask what's going on, if he's still looking for an agent for me, if he's even still interested. i keep telling myself i'll call in september.

i'm just one big coward. afraid of failure.

so maybe i should just admit that i fucked up over this job application deadline instead of seeing everything as a sign. it's just a way of interpreting everything to your liking. it's stupid.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, so I wouldn't know the first thing about screenwriting so as far as an opinion goes, I will refrain from having one...

But, a buddy of mine might be able to assist you, or perhaps just shed some light on the industry you wish to embrace...give it a whirl, it's quite entertaining at the very least...see the link below...

-Col Mustard


shadowbox said...

If you write and you care about what you do, you will always be a little afraid of failure. It's what you do with your fear that's important. Don't fret so much about missing an opportunity as a script editor--I have no doubt that you talents will help you land the right job at the right time.