The ever-lovely Alex Sarti hooked me up for the Fall Out Boy show at Hammersmith Palais last night (ahh, the Palais, thee of the eternally sticky floor).
I hate to admit but I was pretty stoked to see them. The crowd at the Palais did not disappoint - totally full of emo-teens. Pink Spiders supported - saw 'em at Roseland when Cobra played there last October - but we kinda missed their set this time around 'cause we were running a bit late.
We eventually managed to find a good spot - far far away from the mosh pit. I'm an old woman. The show was taped to be released as Leaked in London, a bonus disc when Infinity on High gets a proper release (not that I don't already have a leaked copy, oh no, not at all). I'd promised Gurj that I'd holler her name during a quiet moment so she'd hear it on the record (naively assuming it wouldn't be edited out) - which I had forgotten about until a couple songs before the end, when I laughingly reminded my sister what I had said. The next quiet moment comes along and all of a sudden, from next to me: "GURJ!" I turn to stare at her, and she's cracking up.
Pete seemed to be the only one that ever really chatted with the audience (including "All you bloggers can blog this!": *flips the bird*), and he totally took his life in his hands by jumping into the crowd during the last song (Saturday). But they seemed to be having fun with it.
And of course, a high point for me right at the end when PW said they'd be back in the Spring with my boys Cobra. It's nice having friends in bands. It means when you can't afford to get back to NY at least there's a chance they might tour over here. So here's to the Mar/April FOB/Cobra dates. Hurrah.