stuck in my head:* A-Ha - Take On Me
* Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)
* Bloc Party - Helicopter
* Beulah - Burnt By The Sun
currently all on rotation in the jukebox inside my mind.
Last night I had to go watch this video of a lecture I missed last week (I didn’t know it was on) – it was about business ethics etc. It was rubbish but there were some interesting points about truth and integrity.
And I was just thinking this morning that I’m so tired right now – not necessarily sleepy-tired, although there’s that too, I’d have much preferred to sleep in this morning – but something in me is tired of something, I’m not sure what, and I feel like if anyone asked me anything right now I’d only be able to be bluntly honest with them.
So try me. Ask me a question. Message me with anything, even if you’re not sure you want to hear the answers. Because I’m fed up with two-facedness and sycophancy and hiding. Honesty is the only way forward. It's almost even getting to the point when I'm dropping my guard. Because I don't like to lie, but there comes a point when you just avoid questions because of a self-preservation, self-defence kind of mentality.
I’m also fed up with name-dropping. People seem to have been doing it to me a lot recently.
“Yeah, I styled the Franz Ferdinand videos” [
ugh, Franz Ferdinand…]
“I’m Nicki Hilton’s stylist…” [
me, trying not to laugh in his face]
“I’m a Calvin Klein model” [
whatever trevor]
and some more.
Subtlety really is a lost art.
* * *
i've been thinking about this since i first posted, and i'd like to update. this is what i'm tired of:
- falseness
- two-facedness (yeah, so it's not a word)
- sycophancy, for any reason
- judging on looks. i know, we all do it. i do it. i just wish we didn't, that it wasn't such an immediate thing.
- disregarding people because they don't have the right look. i may judge on looks, but i'm always happy and willing to be proven wrong. i don't care what you're wearing if you can uphold your end of a conversation or something. but i feel like too many people, too many places right now the opposite is true. if you're not wearing it, you're not worth talking to.
- disaffectation. if you're passionate about something, *be* passionate. if you like someone,
tell them. if you get geeky about something, then who cares? geek out on it. embrace it. enough of this studied cool.
phew. looks like it's a good thing i'm going to montreal for the long weekend. maybe a few days out of this jungle will do me some good.
new york, my darling, i do love you so, but some of the qualities you bring out in people (yes, myself included) aren't always great.